Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Green Thumb

I don't have a green thumb.  It's more like a root rot, wilting thumb.  However, my love for fresh basil and cilantro has kept me motivated to continue growing.  Last week I was hunting for modern pots, and decided to look online to see if there were any fun potting ideas....that's when I stumbled across this beaut:

 A book planter (Courtesy of
First thought: YES PLEASE.
I must preface the "how to" by saying  I vowed to myself I wouldn't pick up a single piece of literature over my two week summer break (trashy magazines exempt).  BUT since I was going to destroy a book, the project got the green light.

My mom has a love affair with estate sales (I'm just starting to become a fan myself).  A few months ago she got me the American Medical Association's "Family Medical Guide".  It would have been a great study supplement...if it weren't from 1982. Turns out, hardcovers from 1982 make excellent plant pots.

I'm not fortunate enough to have a gigantor hole saw (like that seen in the link).  Instead I decided to hand cut a hole into the book.  Page. By. Page.  So, it was just me, Ben Affleck, and an exacto knife for 2 hours.  Waste of time?  Not a bit.  My only regret is watching Ben Affleck for two hours.

So, for $3.99 ($1 exacto knife, $2.99 succulent) I have a new piece of shelf candy:

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea - great gifts for people too! Find a type of book with a theme they are interested in, and plant away. Love!


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