Tuesday, December 18, 2012

{25 Days of Christmas} DIY Glitter Bamboo Tree

When I started decorating for the holidays, I spotted a gorgeous holiday decoration at Nordstroms.  Of course my first thought is that I could make a cheap version of the same tree (even though it wasn’t THAT expensive).  This project would be easy to make with the kiddos. 

Materials Needed (Makes a 10” Tree):
3 Craft Foam Sheets
1 10” Bamboo Skewer
1 Small Paper Plate
Glue Gun
Elmers Glue
Gold Glitter Paint/White Glitter
Gold Paint
Leaf Print Outs of Various Sizes (Small, Medium, Large)

1. Print out the shape of leaf you want for your tree, and glue onto the foam with elmers glue. If you have a fancy printer, perhaps you could print directly onto the foam, however I do not, so glue it was. You could also consider free hand drawing or cutting the leaves.  I used three sheets of foam, and that was just enough leaves (I had a few leftover).

2. This is where the kids are handy!  Get some kid friendly fiskars, and cut the leaf shapes.  Once cut, remove the paper print backing.

3. Apply glitter glue and glitter to each leaf (I used glitter glue and glitter, but you could just skip this step, or apply your elmers glue and glitter)

4. Take your paper plate and cut off the paper rim, so all you have left is a dome (if turned upside down).
5. Paint the bamboo skewer and the  bottom side of the paper plate gold.

6. Once the paint and the leaves are dry, start assembling.  Just take the leaf and skewer it up the stick. Assemble from smaller leaves first, finishing with larger leaves.  There is no need to glue the leaves on, as the hold is adequate from just skewering.

7. Move bunches of leaves about ¾ inch apart, so it looks like a Christmas tree.
8. With the paper plate gold side up (making a dome), punch the pointed end of the bamboo skewer through the center of the plate.

9. Hot glue the bamboo stick on the now bottom of the plate (the non gold side).  Allow to cool, and then sit it upright, and you have a foam crafty Christmas decoration! 

Here is the foamy goodness result:

 Only one week left till Christmas!  It's crunch time folks!

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