Sunday, July 17, 2011

What you what you get?

Let me start off by saying HOLY COW IT HAS BEEN A BUSY MONTH.  My home decorating activities have been put on temporary hiatus due to the bane of my existence: clinical rotations.  I've been in Internal Medicine for the past two weeks, and it has been a real eye opener.  I'm not so sure I want to do IM when I'm done with school, but I have for sure seen some very interesting things......

Things I've learned thus far:

This is what my patient looked like.....DONT DRINK ETOH YO!
  • Christian Louboutin flats are not appropriate footwear for 13 hour pukey workdays
  • Every fax machine in Cook County Hospital is busted
  • My spanish is RUSTY and hola doesn't quite cut it.....
  • Don't complain to moms and pops about 80 hour (okay 77 hour...who's counting??) work weeks, their response will be welcome to the real world (I for one was planning on my real world consisting of mojitos and sandy beaches...)
  • A patient that has alcoholic cirrhosis probably isn't pregnant, they just have LITERS of excess fluids (my patient's case --> 6L!!!!)  
Anyways,  I'm able to post today because I have what is known to medical residents as a "golden weekend" meaning I get both Saturday AND Sunday off this week!  What a treat!  You don't appreciate your weekends until they are abruptly and maliciously stolen away from you.  I'm most definitely living up my weekend, because I have two overnight calls this week...meaning I'll be at CCH from 6am-11am the following day.  Warning to anyone wanting to chit chat or shoot the breeze with me this week:  don't.  I will take no responsibility for biting your head off and spitting it out Ozzy Osbourne style.  You've been warned.

Moving on.

As you all know I recently made a trip to Meami to visit my spoiled rotten sister.  What you may or may not know is that she has two little furball children that are also spoiled rotten.  I adore my little niece Cleo and nephew Cesar and am quite jealous of their beach front view.  They also have quite the bathroom arrangement.  A few years back my sister purchased the kitty litter lounge for $70.

Needless to say, my Rishi and Rajah were quite jealous of their cousins' bathroom palace. My poor kitties had to do their business in the middle of the room, with everyone watching.  I think they were embarrassed to go to the bathroom.  It was time for a change, and my sister's litter box lounge was the inspiration. 

I hunted thrift stores and estate sales for a tall cabinet like the one above, with no luck.  UNTIL I came across this masterpiece...a little short and a little ugly....but it just might work:  
My mom and I had been comfy shoe shopping, and we were in the Cavalier....we weren't so sure it would fit.  So I just tossed it in the "it wasn't meant to be" pile and left the poor cabinet sitting there unpurchased....of course I tossed and turned overnight thinking about the cabinet.  The next day I went back with my mom and was still're never going to guess how much it cost....okay guess......

37 cents including tax.  No, your eyes aren't wonky, you read that right.  37 cents.  The cabinet was marked $0.99, and it was 66% off day.  Thank you furniture gods.  I guess it was actually free, because my mom bought it for me.  She is too generous.

Now onto the renovation
Step 1:  Remove doors and Sand.  This was much more difficult than expected.  Turns out the top was made from some weird laminate and wasn't easily sanded.  Womp womp.

Step 2:  Cut kitty entrance on the side.  I used the measurements from the kitty litter lounge6 1/2" W x 7 3/4" H.  Then I measured the height of the litter box to know how high to cut the hole from the base of the cabinet.

Step 3:  Paint.  I originally wanted to stain the box a dark ebony color to bring out the natural elements of the wood and give it a more rustic look, but the laminate top put the kabosh on that plan.  Plan B:  Rusteolum Black Glossy Spray Paint (3 cans)- $10.00  All 3 cans were enough to cover the box, doors, and hardware.

Step 4:  Reassemble, place kitty litter box inside....hope cats enjoy.......

The final result:  I'm very happy with the way it turned out....I'm still planning on changing the gold velour under the doors...but until I find a fabric that catches my eye...this isn't too bad.  The cabinet works great for masking potty odors, and also serves as extra storage for kitty goods.
Rishi very happily enjoys the comfort of his own private bathroom

Not too bad for $12 and a little love.

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