Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rhinestones and Studs and Spikes...Oh My! DIY Christian Louboutin

July 31st is typically an insignificant date to most....but it is pretty important to me.  Why is that, you ask?  Cause I officially finished my first rotation!!!  One down, 10 more to go....
All together now:  "Hallelujah!" 
(Public Plea: PLEASE cross your fingers, rub a rabbit's foot, and throw some salt over your shoulder...wish me luck...I may or may not have passed my end of rotation exam....)

All in all, I enjoyed Internal Medicine.  Even though the hours were LONG I still had a great experience.  I had fantastic patients and preceptors that really showed me the meaning of a patient/provider relationship.  I still have SO much to learn, but I'm off to a great on to OB/GYN!

Moving everyone knows by now, I have a penchant for shoes, more specifically red soled 5 inch heels.   I don't care if my feet bleed, my toes scream, or pedal edema spreads all the way to my brain...I have to have them.

About a year ago I discovered my inspiration:  Christian Louboutin Very Mix Platform Heels.  Price: $3,500  Being that my bank account was and still is, in the double digits, I needed to get resourceful.  

Step 1:  Gather Materials
  • The original "Very Mix"  is covered in Swarovski Strass "Comet Argent" crystals.  Nope nope, I cannot stomach paying hundreds of dollars for crystals.  
Good alternative:  Silver rhinestuds purchased via ebay in the following sizes (Size is really a matter of preference, this is just what I used....) $7 including shipping
    • 2,880 6ss
    • 2,880 16ss
    • 288 20ss
  • Leather hole punch- $5 ebay
  • Spikes:  5/8" silver spikes, and 0.5" silver spikes purchased from ~$10
    • At the time of purchase I didn't realize how long the spikes I purchased really were.  In retrospect I would have used shorter tree spikes....but hey it is what it is!
  • Studs:  I purchased the triangle studs off ebay, a package of 100 for $3.00.... I hunted high and low for  pyramid spikes...couldn't find them anywhere.  Guess what? You can now purchase them on for $13.44 for a bag of 20 or $0.96 each

  • Shoes:  I got a fantastic deal on a pair of silver heels from sheikh shoes- Style:  Ingrid-2...Price $14.00 after coupon code   (now they're going for $21.97
  • Glue:  Trusty E6000, 2 tubes $6
  • To make life a little easier you might want to consider purchasing syringes to put the glue into...I got mine from walmart in the baby aisle $2
Step 2:  Punch and screw
Take leather hole punch, punch holes in shoes where you want the studs placed, screw in you might be thinking:  Don't the backs of the spikes rub against your feet?  My answer to that is...possibly, depending on the placement.  In my case, the screws didn't bother my feet one bit.

Step 3:  Use hole punch to punch new holes into belts from your skinny glory days.....Sorry I got sidetracked....this hole punch is USEFUL!

Step 3 (For realz): Pyramid stud placement.
The pyramids I used had little prongs on them.  They didn't penetrate the leather very well, so I ended up using a wire cutter to cut them off.  Using the E6000 I scattered and glued the studs to bare areas

Step 4:  Glue till you can't glue no more.  Caution:  the glue is NOXIOUS. Make sure you have good ventilation.
I used a bobby pin with sticky tack on the end of it to pick up the tiny rhinestuds.  Companies do make wax sticks or you can always use tweezers, but I used what I had on hand.  Remember:  Be resourceful!

I didn't use any real pattern for my rhinestones, I tended to put the larger stones on first, and then filled in the gaps.  Some people use a specific pattern.  It's really up to you!

Step 5:  Get a Pedicure cause people are going to STARE.
Don't mind the mess in the background...and the super trendy pink carpet
Final total:  $47 including tax and shipping.....$3,453 off retail price
Step 6:  Make a pair for your sister, cause she deserves some foot candy too.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY E!

Step 7:  Click your heels three times, and wish you were anywhere but the hospital......